Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Snow day!!

Sorry, I know this blog is getting a bit snow-obsessed at the moment but its a bit mad by British, we can't cope if there is more than a couple of inches of snow kind of way. We always get snow but not really that much. The other night I was laughing at someone on Twitter who was talking about getting snowed in and what provisions she would need to buy in, in case she got cut off. Pah, thought I, I wish we got a decent amount of snow and got cut off, that would be a good game....

Fast forward a few days....
The snow is knee deep. My knee and I am no dwarf ;) This was us on the way to the shops this morning. Notice how the sledge has been abandoned. It would seem we have the wrong type of snow for sledges. We also have the wrong sort of daughter because while we were all super-excited about the amount of snow, she was a whingy monster because she had snow in her welly, it was too deep, too cold, too just about everything.

We did, finally, manage to get around the village and ended up at our friends where she and M built a proper snowman. Our pathetic attempt is now actually lost in the front garden, we can't find him under the snow that fell last night.

I know people are going to hate me,including my snow hating daughter but I like this snow. I like the fact that the roads are quiet, I like that people are walking around the village and talking to each other for a change rather than flying around in their cars, I like the fact that school is closed.


Unknown said...

How much we like or hate the snow depends on where we live and what we need to do. it's such fun if you enjoy sledging and building snowmen, and perfectly beautiful for photos. But if you need to get to work, or the shops etc, then it's horrid!

Kitschy Coo said...
