A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I wasn't being a lazy person, even if my blog was a bit quiet, but that I was working fairly hard behind the scenes on some secret projects. Well, now I can share one of them.
As a working from home small business person, I often feel like I lead a double life. I am fairly convinced that 95% of people in my day to day school-mum life (You know, the life that happens outside the house and away from the computer screen which contains all of my fellow WAH work mates) think I make up stories of working with amazingly clever and creative people and spending weekends with world renowned knitwear designers, yarn dyers and suppliers, while sitting at home all day, contemplating what I am going to make my little family for tea and twiddling my thumbs between tennis lessons and the next mummy drinks night however it is 100% true and sometimes I have to pinch myself that I do get the chance to work with some amazing people.
One of these lovely, clever people is Rachel Coopey ,who designs, among other things, the most fabulous socks. Back in August, we were in Shropshire, at AndyFest, and we started talking about what we were doing in the next year, she told me about a book she was planning. The book is now finished and it has been sent to the printers. It is available for pre-order here
This may scare Rachel to the core because I am such a rubbish knitter and after she and Mamalonglegs witnessed me attempting to start a fairly simple scarf in the summer, I think they both doubt my ability to follow any pattern, but I think I may have to buy a copy of this book even if I never get around to making a pair of socks out of it. It looks amazing and I want these socks on my feet....even if it kills me ;)
So where do I come in? Well, Rachel has made up some kits using my drawstring bags in a couple of prints I have made, exclusively for her. The kits also include yarn from Fyberspates and The Knitting Goddess and stitch markers from Fripperies and Bibelots. Grab them while you can and keep looking on here for a giveaway in the near future.
I'm sure that most of the mums at school think I sit about and do nothing all day too :) And cool news on the collaboration!
My CoopKnits kit arrived yesterday, I love my new Beach Hut bag x
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