It's the last day of half term today, you can tell by the amount of grump and sulking there is going around the house. I decided I'd make the most of my last lie-in for ages by getting up at 6am, making a cup of tea and taking it back to bed. Whilst I was sat in bed, I got thinking about how it was about time to have a competition to cheer everyone up in all the doom and glum of back to school and grey, rainy, windy weather.
It always entertains me when some people look at my bags at shows or while I am at knitting groups and say 'Well, it's not very big, I could never fit everything I wanted in there.' It doesn't matter how much I show them how I manage just fine, they need bigger bags, more pockets, more zips and I get that, we are all different, we all want different things out of our (knitting) bags but I thought we could maybe play a game. Remember the 'What is in your hand bag' game that was going around the blogs a few years ago? Well I bring you the '*How much* is in your project bag' game.
Take a project bag, any project bag you have because we all know that you have more than *ahem* a couple, take a photo of it then empty everything out of it, take a photo of everything that comes out of it and blog about it. It doesn't matter if it only contains your current project or a ball of yarn or the kitchen sink, just link back to here, comment on this post and we'll have a prize draw on Sunday 10th November. The prize will be a bag and notions purse of your choice from my shop and I'm fairly sure I will find some yarn and bits along the way to add to it too.
So, it would only be fair of me to start it all off.....This is my every-day project bag and it normally includes my house keys, wallet and phone; I take it with me to knitting groups and if we are going out for any amount of time and I think I might be able to sneak some knitting or crocheting in....
It looks quite innocent, sitting there on the settee but turning it over reveals this...
Waa! An explosion of yarn, hooks, needles, patterns and maybe another project bag inside it.........
I have -
- Four crocheted stockings from a pattern at Annaboo's House. I have plans for a string of bunting using them or maybe decorations for the tree or, or.......
- Two sachets of sugar and a spoon from Yarndale. Remmeber the tea and coffee queues? I did the tea-run, there was no way I was going back into that again so I picked up supplies ;)
- A stitch holder, a crochet hook, two sets of needle, scraps of yarn.
- A packet of boring stitch markers that I use for crochet....I've temporarily lost my usual notions purse with my funky stitch markers that usually lives in here.
- A funky button tin containing honeysuckle lip balm. Sounds odd but tastes delicious.
- An empty knit pro cable packet because like shoes, bags, cake and cups of tea, I never have enough cables and always end up needing a new one when I start a new project.
- A random assortment of Rico Creative Cotton for those moments when you just *need* to have a go at hooking something like a poppy...also in the bag-that red thing is half a poppy.
- Left-over Knitting Goddess yarn from my last pair of socks. I'm trying to decide if I have enough left over for some socks for Little Miss Lou.
- A pile of patterns, ball bands and a heart with 'I love you' written on it by Lou.
- A drawstring project bag containing.......
Oooh more spare needles. Ten to be exact and a circular and yet more yarn....this time a few little balls of
Knitting Goddess yarn I acquired last weekend to make the worlds brightest scrappy socks..that'll be the blue and orange sock on the straight needles then some
Natural Dye Studio mini skeins. In a fit of craziness on Wednesday night, I decided to pull the first
Saltburn sock down, all the way from the toe and start making
Mixalot instead...much better choice for the yarn and knitting up really well already.
So, you can't fit much into a
Karrie bag.........
Get snapping your project bags and blogging, people!!