One of the (VERY few) problems I have with my Create shop is knowing the best way to photograph my needle rolls; what looks best to me might not be the best angle you, as a customer, want to see so today as I was taking photos from different angles, I decided I would ask my lovely customers and blog readers what you would rather see.
The fully open view
Rolled up
Folded down
I've been asking for views on my Facebook page today and opinion has been fairly evenly divided so maybe it doesn't matter? Ultimately, I want all of my photos to have the same shot because it annoys me when my product photos all look different, it unsettles the OCD in me ;) Please comment and let me know which photo you think I should include.
Unfortunately, I have had to put postage up in all of my shops over the weekend. Since the huge price rise last year I have been trying to absorb the costs but I can't continue to, even with keeping postage costs down elsewhere by using recycled envelopes so I have had to increase it to the postage (stamp) cost to me. I have included an option of 2nd class postage to my webshop though so if you would like slightly cheaper postage and don't mind your item coming a day or two later, just select that option when you check-out your order.
Being a helpful sort of person, I like all the pictures - I can see the needles in all of them and how the needle roll works (simple, I know, but I suppose it's possible someone might not realise!).
I'd say folded down Nic, because you can see the width of the roll and its clear the top is just resting on top of the needles, so you get an idea of the height it offers too. HTH! Sam x
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