Sunday, June 06, 2010

Mary, Mary...

I bought a new camera today so I decided to test it out, spending half an hour wandering around the garden with J, snapping away. First we have the raspberries, in close-up....

and with their friendly rhubarb patch. It is massive and we have eaten loads of it already. the peas. The first year I grew them, we had great success, ever since they have been rubbish. This year I am growing them like I did the first year. Fingers crossed they work....

..purple sprouting broccolli. It has gone over now and I would pull it up to make way for more plants but the bees love the yellow flowers so I am leaving them, just a little longer...

I wasn't going to grow broad beans this year but then a friend had some left over so it would have been rude not to plant them. They are just starting to form tiny pods. I'm hoping I have hidden them away from the wood pigeons....

The beans are looking healthy at last. I set my first lot of runner beans out too early and they got killed by the frost, the second lot also looked a bit ill but now they are looking ok. The ones on the left are french beans. We've never grown them before so it's a bit of an experiment.

Strawberries. Already ripening. They aren't doing very well this year. All of my original plants have got tired, I think so I only have about nine plants alive.

I have never had any luck with cabbages so I am really impressed with my spring cabbages, even if I am a little confused and think the should have been and gone by now. I am going to cut one this week. I just hope they taste as good as they look.

This is inside one of my greenhouses. Usually I have this one full of tomato plants and a couple of cucumbers but this year I have been growing radishes, salad and beetroot in this half a side and it is working really well. You can almost see the radishes growing, they grow so quickly. I am on the fourth setting already.

1 comment:

GiddyStuff said...

Glad you sorted out your camera. And i'm very impressed with your cabbages, the slugs always get to mine before they get to that size!