Sunday, August 15, 2010

P/Hop raffle winner....

Sorry everyone. Home and work have been manic this week and blogging didn't feature in the list of things I had to get done every day so it slid by the way-side.

Thank you to everyone who donated to P/hop and commented on my post. I asked Mad child #2 to pick a name out of the cereal bowl this morning and she chose Katherine so if you message me, I can send your parcel of pressies.

Next week promises to be another busy one but I promise to blog more. I have a few exciting things happening at Nicsknots at the mo, starting tomorrow morning.

Edited to add what I meant to put in the first brain really isn't working this week!

P/hop raised £1054.16 at Knit Nation! Well done to all of the hard working volunteers on the stand headed up by the lovely GingerKnits.

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