Monday, January 09, 2012

Mardy Monday?

Well, you know, they label all of the days up to Christmas as Mega Monday, Black Friday, Even more Mega Monday and I'm sure today must be what they call 'Blue Monday', where all the bills come in and everyone realises that paying for Christmas on credit still has to be paid for at some point in time,  but I'm a bit scared that that isn't what it is called at all and if you google it, it might come up with something completely different and to be honest, Mardy Monday fits today better anyway.

It was pitch-black when I woke up this morning and I realised that it was the first full week back at school. Whereas L loves school and would quite happily go at the weekend, J doesn't and every week he is grumpier about the next week. I feel like a cheerleader trying to convince him that writing doesn't kill you,  then I paid £200 of music lessons for J and L before 9am and the washing machine is making fatal sounding noises. Mardy.

But, there is going to be no mardy here, mardy gets you nowhere, as I tell J, so we are going to be positive and happy and join in with Natalie in her Making Monday post.

Hexipuffs can't help but make me cheery. When I started making these last year, I didn't think I would get very far and thought maybe I would manage to make enough for a cushion but I am on my 42nd now and it's fairly addictive.

Here they are all laid out on the sofa yesterday

and in the cake stand where Lou has decided that they should be displayed when she isn't playing with them and sorting them into a pattern she thinks they should be in.

Yesterday I also made a hexi-puff bag in a new print too.  The yellows and bees really bring a smile to my face and almost make me forget the cost of the music lessons ;)

 And look!! This makes me very happy!  Starting on Thursday 26th Jan at A Good Yarn in Cleethorpes, sewing classes with me :)


Auntie Noo said...

Reasons to be cheerful - 1, 2, 3..... LOL. Very excited for you on the sewing lessons. Hope it all goes well.

Bobbie said...

The sewing lessons is v. exciting - well done lady!! Good luck