Thursday, March 01, 2012

WIP (not) Wednesday

So much for two blog posts! It would seem that I couldn't manage that in one day, even on the 29th February. Anyway, I took the photos so I thought I would cheat a little bit because I want to post this photo.

 This is my Woolsack cushion with one of my large drawstring bags. I finished one side of it on Sunday night and this is the other side. I decided I needed to do a pattern because I was getting a bit bored with the plain stocking stitch of the stripes so I've done a bit of basket-weave. I've just got to 10 inches so 6 to go and I will be done.

I'll be honest, I'm not enjoying knitting this as much as I thought I would. The yarn is quite scratchy-I'm a but worried that it my exfoliate the face of the athlete who is lucky enough to get my wonderful creation.  I am being good, though, and forcing myself to finish it before I start anything else. I have a serious case of startitis at the moment, always the way when there is lots going on in my head.

Yesterday I was in a bit of a grumpy mood and the sewing fairy had disappeared off so I forced myself to do one of the things that have been on my list for ages; more large drawstring bags.   These are really popular in my shop and generally sell out when I do shows because they are huge and you can even fit a jumper in one. My problem is that getting good photos of them is a bit tricky so I end up with only a few listed on my website. Not good.  

As you can see, they are HUGE! The balls of yarn for the cushion are rather large and there is 10 x 16 inches of cushion in there and it is just sitting in the bottom of the bag. Plenty of room for another one in there...or you could have your smaller drawstring bag with socks in there as well.

I've listed this in my shop. If you do want a larger drawstring bag in one of the fabrics I have and it isn't listed, give me a shout and I will make you one.


GiddyStuff said...

I do love the colour combination for your cushion. I've only just found out about this project and don't think I knit fast enough to meet the deadline!

Nic said...

The combination matches your avatar! Of course you could knit one, I did mine in a fortnight and I'm a slow knitter ;)